Agony Aunt Em Clarkson: Friend in a Pyramid Scheme & Feeling Behind in Life

This week, Metro’s agony aunt Em Clarkson tackles two common dilemmas. The first reader is worried about their friend who seems to be involved in a multi-level marketing scheme, which they suspect might be a pyramid scheme. The second reader feels behind in life compared to their peers, struggling with the feeling of not achieving certain milestones at the same pace as others.

Friend in a Pyramid Scheme

Em understands the reader’s concern and advises focusing on supporting their friend, even if you have doubts about the business venture. She suggests liking their posts and showing genuine interest in their new journey. However, it’s also important to address the potential issues in a tactful way. Em recommends doing your own research on the company, then presenting the information to your friend with questions about the business model. It’s crucial to approach the conversation with concern rather than criticism. Ultimately, your friend may have already considered the risks and decided to proceed, and their responses might give you more insight. Em also reminds us that these ventures often fizzle out on their own, so there’s a good chance it won’t last.

Feeling Behind in Life

Em reassures the reader that they are not behind in life, reminding them that everyone’s journey is different. Social media can exacerbate feelings of inadequacy, as we are constantly bombarded with others’ successes. It’s important to remember that we all start in different places and have different finish lines. The pressure to hit specific milestones by a certain age is often unrealistically imposed by society. Em encourages the reader to broaden their social circles and engage in activities that bring them joy. If they’re unhappy with their job, it’s never too late to make a change. Taking time to write down goals and aspirations can also be helpful in taking control of your life and setting your own pace. Ultimately, Em emphasizes that there is plenty of time to achieve your dreams and enjoy life’s journey.

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