Supreme Court Lawyers Protest Canteen’s Navratri-Only Menu

A storm of protest has erupted within the Supreme Court premises as lawyers voice their displeasure over the canteen’s decision to serve only vegetarian food during the ongoing Navratri festival. In a strongly worded letter addressed to the president of the Supreme Court Bar Association of India (SCBA), the lawyers expressed their concerns, deeming the move “unprecedented” and setting a “wrong precedent” for the future.

The letter highlights the long-standing tradition of lawyers observing Navratri while maintaining their usual dietary preferences. They have always brought their own special Navratri food from home during the nine-day festival without any fuss. However, this year, the Supreme Court canteen has announced that it will only serve Navratri-specific food. This unexpected change has triggered a sense of unease and resentment among the legal community.

The lawyers emphasize that while they are not against the canteen offering Navratri food as an additional option, imposing it as the sole menu is unacceptable. They argue that the Supreme Court canteen caters to everyone, and serving only vegetarian food during Navratri would disregard the dietary preferences of many. This, they believe, would be a violation of their pluralist traditions and would lead to a lack of respect for each other.

The letter further warns that allowing this precedent could open the floodgates to other impositions based on individual religious or cultural beliefs. Therefore, they are urging the SCBA president to intervene and request the canteen to revert to its normal menu. They also express their willingness to accommodate those observing Navratri by offering the specific menu as an option alongside the regular fare. The lawyers’ protest underscores the importance of inclusivity and respecting the diverse dietary preferences within the Supreme Court community.

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