ICC Unseals Arrest Warrants for Six Men Linked to Libyan Militia Crimes

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has taken a significant step in its pursuit of justice for alleged crimes committed in Libya. On Friday, the court unsealed arrest warrants for six men linked to a brutal Libyan militia responsible for numerous killings and other atrocities in the strategically important western town of Tarhunah.

The investigation, led by ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan, has uncovered evidence suggesting that residents of Tarhunah were subjected to a horrifying range of war crimes, including murder, outrages against personal dignity, cruel treatment, torture, sexual violence, and rape. The accused individuals are: Abdelrahim al-Kani, Makhlouf Douma, Nasser al-Lahsa, Mohammed Salheen, Abdelbari al-Shaqaqi, and Fathi al-Zinkal.

According to Khan, three of the suspects were leaders or senior members of the Al Kaniyat militia, which controlled Tarhunah from at least 2015 to June 2020. The remaining three were Libyan security officials associated with the militia during the period of the alleged crimes.

The warrants for four of the suspects were issued in April 2023, while two more were issued in July of the same year. However, they were kept under seal until now. Khan stated that he believes the unsealing of these warrants will be the most effective way to achieve their arrest and surrender.

The discovery of mass graves in Tarhunah following the militia’s withdrawal in 2020, after a 14-month campaign led by military commander Khalifa Hifter to take control of Tripoli, brought to light the horrific scale of the alleged crimes.

While the ICC does not possess its own police force, it relies on the cooperation of its 124 member states to enforce arrest warrants. Khan has emphasized his office’s commitment to working closely with Libyan authorities to bring the accused individuals to justice. The court is also actively seeking their arrest through collaboration with court officials.

The ICC’s investigation in Libya began in 2011 at the request of the United Nations Security Council. The court has previously issued warrants for suspects including former dictator Muammar Gaddafi, who was killed before he could be detained and tried. The court also seeks the arrest of Gaddafi’s son, Saif Al-Islam Gadhafi.

This development marks a significant step towards accountability for the alleged crimes committed in Tarhunah. The ICC’s efforts to hold the suspects responsible will be closely watched as they navigate the complexities of the Libyan political landscape and seek justice for the victims of these horrific acts.

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