Rubicon Organics Makes Strides in Sustainability with 2023 ESG Report

Rubicon Organics, a renowned cannabis company known for its organic certified products, has released its 2023 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report. This report showcases the company’s dedication to sustainability, making them one of the few in the industry to publish a comprehensive sustainability report, reflecting the growing importance of climate action across sectors.

The report reveals that Rubicon has successfully slashed its carbon footprint by a significant 48%, bringing its total emissions down to 2,064 tons. This remarkable reduction is largely attributed to a major energy upgrade at their BC Hydro site, allowing Rubicon to leverage cleaner, renewable energy sources.

“We believe we are establishing industry benchmarks and building a robust and resilient cannabis industry in Canada,” stated Rubicon’s CEO, Margaret Brodie. The report also highlights improvements in waste management practices, with a remarkable 66% landfill waste diversion rate achieved through recycling, composting, and biofuel repurposing initiatives. These efforts not only reduce waste but also contribute to lowering the cannabis carbon footprint generated throughout 2023.

While still relatively uncommon in the cannabis sector, reporting sustainability achievements like Rubicon’s is becoming more common across industries. This trend signifies a growing awareness of the need to address climate change and corporate responsibility, with customers increasingly valuing companies that prioritize environmental impact reduction.

Insights from the scientific paper “A Narrative Review on Environmental Impacts of Cannabis Cultivation” by environmentalists Zhonghua Zheng, Kelsey Fiddes, and Liangcheng Yang help frame Rubicon’s progress. The review noted that cannabis cultivation is known for its resource-intensive nature, with significant water use and greenhouse gas emissions often tied to indoor growing operations. Rubicon’s reduction in natural gas usage is crucial to mitigating the environmental impact of indoor cannabis production.

Beyond carbon reduction, Rubicon experienced a 6% increase in employee count, ending 2023 with 178 workers. This growth represents 65 new employees joining the company. For the second year in a row, Rubicon reduced its employee turnover, bringing it down to 32% from 43% in 2022. The company maintained its focus on diversity, with 83% of the workforce belonging to underrepresented groups. On the equity front, the gender wage gap favored women, with female employees earning 33% more than men, while the company’s CEO pay ratio decreased to 14.4:1 from 28.5:1 in 2022.

If you are interested in learning more about Rubicon’s 2023 ESG Report, the 4th published by the company, you can download it here.

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