Laser-Generated Sound Waves Revolutionize Microchip Design: A New Era of Electronics?

A team of researchers has made a groundbreaking discovery that could revolutionize the world of microchip design – they’ve successfully generated sound waves on the surface of a microchip using lasers. This achievement marks a significant leap forward in the development of electronics that operate without electricity.

Published in the prestigious APL Photonics journal, the research details the process of generating these sound waves and the immense potential of this new technology. The key lies in a phenomenon called stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS), where light and sound interact in a unique way. As light travels through an optical fiber or microchip, it creates subtle sound vibrations, previously considered a nuisance by researchers. However, further investigation revealed that these vibrations could be harnessed and coupled with light waves, leading to amplified sound waves.

The researchers, led by Dr. Choon-Kong Lai, Dr. Moritz Merklein, and Professor Ben Eggleton from the University of Sydney, utilized a specialized glass material known as GeAsSe (made from germanium, arsenic, and selenide). By using lasers to generate both light and sound, they were able to create and detect high-frequency surface acoustic waves on the microchip. This process is akin to an earthquake rippling across the surface of the chip, but with frequencies nearly a billion times higher.

The confinement of these sound waves within the microchip makes this technology ideal for advanced sensing applications. The researchers envision its use in a wide range of fields, including:


5G/6G and broadband networks:

Improved signal processing and transmission for faster and more efficient data transfer.


Enhanced sensitivity and accuracy in various sensing applications.

Radar systems:

Next-generation radar systems with improved detection and range capabilities.

Defense systems:

Potential applications in advanced communication and detection systems.

Radio astronomy:

Improved signal processing and analysis in astronomical observations.

Satellite communication:

More reliable and efficient satellite communication systems.

The potential applications of this technology are vast and promising. It represents a significant step towards a future where electronics operate without relying on electricity, opening up new possibilities for innovation and advancement across various industries.

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