TikTok Bakers Reveal Genius Cake-Cutting Hack for Parties

Cutting a birthday cake into enough pieces for everyone can be a real challenge, especially when aiming for equal slices. You want to give everyone a decent-sized portion without running out of cake before everyone gets a piece. But no matter how you slice it, there’s always that one piece that ends up too big or too small.

Whether you’re catering to a large crowd or trying to please both kids and adults, perfect cake cutting requires patience and precision. But even with the best intentions, things don’t always go as planned! Thankfully, a baking expert on TikTok has stepped in to save the day with a brilliant solution.

In a video that has garnered over 10,000 views, the creative bakers at Lily Vanilli London demonstrate how to transform a humble six-inch cake into a whopping 32 slices. That’s enough to satisfy every child in a classroom, and then some!

The bakers created the post in response to the numerous questions they receive about portioning cakes for parties. Their secret? A simple yet effective method that guarantees everyone gets a piece. They explain: “Start by cutting the cake into 8 even slices. Next, cut each of these sections twice more to create a diamond shape in the centre. Finally, divide the remaining diamond-shaped slices into two even triangles.” Now you’re ready to share your cake with 32 happy friends!

This easy-to-follow method is perfect for any party, and the bakers encourage you to “save this for your next party.” Followers have embraced the idea, with one commenting: “This is actually great for kids’ parties! They rarely eat large portions of cake and this will reduce waste.” Another added: “This is perfect for the ones that want to just have a little piece.”

However, some cake enthusiasts have expressed concern that the slices might be a bit on the small side. One commenter remarked: “Typically when people get a piece of cake they want more than 3 bites!” But hey, if it means ensuring everyone gets a taste and reduces waste, maybe a smaller slice is a worthwhile compromise.

No matter how you slice it, this TikTok hack offers a smart and practical approach to cake cutting, making it easier to create a sense of fairness and ensure everyone enjoys a sweet treat at your next gathering.

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