Indian Billionaire’s Daughter Imprisoned in Uganda: Family Speaks Out on Vasundhara Oswal’s Detention

The world is watching with concern as the saga of Vasundhara Oswal, daughter of Indian billionaire Pankaj Oswal, unfolds in Uganda. Vasundhara, a 26-year-old businesswoman, has been imprisoned in the African nation for over three weeks, a situation that has left her family distraught and seeking answers.

Riddhi Oswal, Vasundhara’s younger sister, has shed light on the family’s anguish in an email interview with She reveals that her parents, Pankaj and Radhika Oswal, are consumed by guilt for sending Vasundhara to Uganda to manage their extra-neutral alcohol plant. They feel responsible for her current predicament, as they encouraged her to take on challenging roles, believing in gender equality and empowering their daughters.

The Oswals, currently holed up in a secret location to focus on Vasundhara’s release, are facing immense challenges. The Ugandan authorities have accused Vasundhara of involvement in a missing persons investigation, allegations that her family vehemently denies. Riddhi details how her parents are unable to travel to Uganda themselves, fearing immediate arrest by corrupt officials.

The family’s concerns about the Ugandan legal system are amplified by Riddhi’s account of Vasundhara’s treatment. She describes the police’s unchecked power and the arbitrary nature of arrests, often made without warrants or proper court procedures. The fear of her parents also being arrested further compounds the situation, as it would hinder their ability to fight for Vasundhara’s release.

The Oswals have cut off communication with the outside world, focusing solely on finding solutions for Vasundhara’s release. Riddhi, now responsible for the family and business affairs, expresses the family’s hope and faith that they will bring their daughter home safely.

The case has sparked international attention, prompting an urgent appeal to the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention. As the world awaits updates, the Oswal family’s plea for justice and the release of their daughter continues to resonate. The story highlights the complexities of navigating foreign legal systems and the devastating impact of arbitrary detention.

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