In a seemingly unlikely pairing, the mesmerizing canvases of Sergio Lucena, known for his ethereal landscapes and vibrant geometric forms, find common ground with the sculptures of the late Brazilian constructivist master, Sergio Camargo (1930-1990). Despite their distinct artistic practices and disparate time periods, ‘A Forma da Luz,’ currently on view at the Curitiba branch of the Simões de Assis Gallery until November 30th, presents a compelling dialogue between their works.
The exhibition juxtaposes Lucena’s vibrant paintings with Camargo’s powerful sculptures, creating a visual conversation that resonates across both the visual and experimental realms. “Once, I saw a statement by [Sergio] Camargo where he claimed that his primary material was light. While our languages are different, I can say the same about my paintings,” explains Lucena, who recently exhibited 72 works spanning his 40-year career at the Museu Afro Brasil. “We have very different origins and training. I have no connection to constructivism like Camargo, but there is something very strong that parallels us. Both artists have an obsession with pushing their work to its full potential.”
For this exhibition, Lucena has created a series of new canvases that engage directly with Camargo’s sculptures from the 1970s, creating an immersive and dynamic experience within the gallery space. “These are all new works, produced between 2023 and 2024. However, many of them were paintings that were in my studio on hold, some since 2016, and I only now found a solution for them,” details the artist. “This is the first body of painting that I have created in my new studio in Serra do Itapetinga. Now, with this series, which I’ve called ‘Corpo da Luz,’ the painting and the artist have finally settled into the new space.”
While Lucena’s focus is on painting and Camargo dedicated his career to sculpture, Lucena believes there are strong commonalities between their work. “It’s a dialogue between the three-dimensional and the two-dimensional around the same theme: matter and its transcendence,” argues the artist. “Light is the element that transforms matter into something beyond itself. I think this is the ‘leitmotif’ of both ‘Sergios’ and the essence of this exhibition.”
‘A Forma da Luz’ invites viewers to experience the power of light as a transformative element in art, bridging the gap between two distinct artistic voices in a compelling and unexpected exhibition. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the captivating world of Sergio Lucena and Sergio Camargo at the Simões de Assis Gallery in Curitiba.