In a tale of unwavering hope and resilience, Greg Naterer recounts the extraordinary search for his missing son, Jordan, in his poignant memoir, ‘Called by Mother Earth.’
On Thanksgiving Monday in 2020, Greg’s life took a harrowing turn. His son, a 25-year-old university student, had vanished during a solo hiking trip in Manning Provincial Park. What ensued was a 10-month search involving family, friends, and countless volunteers.
Navigating treacherous terrain and overwhelming grief, Greg’s determination never wavered. Guided by the teachings of a local Indigenous bandleader, he came to believe in the sacred life and spiritual forces of nature. It was this belief that ultimately led him to Jordan’s final resting place.
In ‘Called by Mother Earth,’ Greg shares not only the harrowing details of the search but also the profound transformation he experienced. He discovered the power of hope in the face of adversity and the enduring connection between mankind and the natural world.
The memoir’s title reflects the Indigenous belief that Jordan’s spirit was summoned by Mother Earth, an honor bestowed upon those who pass in harmony with nature. Proceeds from the book will be donated to the Jordan Naterer Memorial Scholarship at Memorial University of Newfoundland, honoring his legacy and providing support to future students.