Sarah Collis, a resident of Tennessee, USA, showcases her extraordinary home in a captivating TikTok video. This unusual abode is a former school, known as Ducktown School, which her father purchased in 2021 and has been diligently renovating ever since.
The school was an eyesore, bearing the scars of abandonment with crumbling paint and broken glass. Despite its dilapidated state, Jason Collis saw beyond the decay. He had attended the school as a child and held a deep connection to it, determined to preserve its legacy for the community.
Over the years, the school had fallen prey to neglect and vandalism. Undeterred, Jason embarked on an ambitious renovation project, breathing new life into the once-derelict building. One of the classrooms has been transformed into a spacious bedroom for Sarah, complete with wood flooring, a comfortable armchair, and ample storage.
The Collis family extends their use of the school beyond their own living space. The auditorium, once damaged beyond recognition, now stands restored, hosting events, clubs, and reunions. Other rooms have been rented out to provide additional income for the family.
Sarah’s TikTok video, under the username @sarahmcollis, has captured the imagination of viewers, garnering over 25 million views. TikTok users have expressed their awe at this remarkable transformation, envisioning the possibilities of hidden adventures and memorable gatherings within the walls of this extraordinary home.