Abbott Endorses Gonzales Amid GOP Firestorm

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has endorsed Congressman Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) in the upcoming May primary runoff election, defending him from attacks by fellow Republicans. Gonzales had previously criticized two far-right members of the House Freedom Caucus, calling them ‘scumbags’ and accusing one of paying minors for sex. Despite not directly addressing the controversy, Abbott praised Gonzales’ efforts in Congress and urged Texans to support his re-election.

In a statement, Abbott highlighted Gonzales’ focus on border security and urged Texans in Congressional District 23 to join him in supporting Gonzales’ re-election. Gonzales faces a primary runoff election against gun rights advocate and social media influencer Brandon Herrera, who has received the backing of both Gaetz and Good. In the March primary election, Gonzales received 45 percent of the vote to Herrera’s 25 percent. The runoff election is scheduled for May 28.

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