Abigail, the latest film from directing duo Radio Silence, shares striking similarities with their previous hit, Ready or Not, hinting at a possible shared universe. Both films are horror comedies set in spooky mansions, featuring supernatural elements and strong female characters fighting for their lives. In an interview with Collider, Radio Silence revealed that Abigail contains an Easter egg reference to Ready or Not – a portrait of Henry Czerny’s ancestor in one of the scenes. Matt Bettinelli-Olpin stated that this is not just an Easter egg but a subtle connection between the two films. Fans speculate that this portrait suggests that the La Dornas family from Ready or Not exists in the world of Abigail and may even have a direct connection to the house in the latter film. As Ready or Not’s ending was quite definitive, it remains to be seen if the upcoming Ready or Not 2 will further expand this shared universe. However, the discovery of this connection has sparked excitement among fans, raising the possibility of a crossover that brings together the surviving characters of both films in a cinematic universe of hilariously gory horror.