Accused Woman Driver Arrested after Ramming Car into Motorway Police Officer

The incident occurred on January 1, 2024, when the accused, Farah, was pulled over by Motorway Police officer Muhammad Sabir for speeding. She reportedly argued with the officer in an abusive manner before fleeing the scene through a broken toll plaza barrier. In her attempt to escape, she rammed her car into Officer Sabir, leaving him injured.

The incident was captured on video by a bystander and quickly went viral on social media, drawing widespread condemnation. Netizens expressed outrage over the woman’s arrogance and demanded harsh penalties.

Following the incident, a special team led by a Senior Superintendent Police (SSP) Operations was formed to track down the accused. She was eventually arrested by Nasirabad police officials using modern technology.

The Rawalpindi police department has vowed to continue taking strict action against violators of the law. The accused, Farah, is expected to face charges of attempted murder and negligent driving.

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