AI in Gaming: Empowering Developers at King

Over the past year, the perception of AI in gaming has undergone a significant shift, evolving from the charming interactions of non-player characters (NPCs) to unsettling visuals and incomprehensible language. However, at King, the company behind the iconic Candy Crush franchise, AI has been strategically integrated to elevate the gameplay experience while preserving the game’s beloved qualities.

King’s Head of AI, Luka Crnkovic-Friis, shed light on the multifaceted applications of AI within Candy Crush games. Categorized into three primary areas, AI excels at content automation (level design), personalization (tailoring recommendations), and performance marketing (optimizing advertising strategies).

In the realm of level design, AI plays a crucial role in randomizing candy placement. By adhering to specific algorithms, AI ensures that candy combinations are both attainable and challenging. Simultaneously, AI analyzes gameplay data to offer personalized recommendations, subtly guiding players towards in-game purchases while maintaining a balanced, non-aggressive approach.

The third area where AI shines is performance marketing, meticulously weighing the cost of advertising against the projected lifetime value of each player. This data-driven approach enables King to maximize advertising ROI. While AI handles these complex calculations, human developers remain the ultimate overseers, continuously refining and adjusting the algorithms to ensure an optimal experience.

Crnkovic-Friis emphasized the importance of rigorous testing and gradual implementation to avoid disrupting the gameplay experience for the vast user base. Concerns regarding AI’s potential impact on job losses and content quality were addressed by Crnkovic-Friis, who stressed that AI at King empowers developers, enhancing their efficiency and creativity.

The recent acquisition of Activision Blizzard King by Microsoft has granted King access to a wider array of AI tools. While generative AI is not currently in King’s plans, Crnkovic-Friis expressed enthusiasm for collaborating with OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT and Sora video AI. This partnership holds the potential to further revolutionize AI applications within King’s games.

In turn, King offers Xbox an entry point into the lucrative mobile gaming market, a sector where Xbox currently has a limited presence. Crnkovic-Friss acknowledged the distinct approaches to game development in the mobile and traditional triple-A realms. However, he expressed confidence that Candy Crush would continue to thrive in the mobile landscape for years to come.

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