AI Tongue Analysis: A New Frontier in Real-Time Disease Diagnosis?

A team of researchers from Iraq and Australia have made a groundbreaking claim: they have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm capable of diagnosing medical conditions in real-time by analyzing the color of a person’s tongue. The algorithm boasts an impressive 98% accuracy, according to their study, led by Ali Al-Naji, affiliated with universities in Baghdad and Australia.

The research builds upon traditional Chinese medicine practices that utilize tongue observation to identify potential health issues. The study found that individuals with diabetes often exhibit a yellowish tongue, while cancer patients frequently present with a purple tongue covered in a thick coating. Patients experiencing acute strokes, on the other hand, tend to have an oddly shaped red tongue. Al-Naji explained that specific tongue colors can reveal a wide range of health issues. He stated, “A white tongue can indicate anemia, and individuals with severe cases of COVID-19 are likely to have a deep-red tongue. An indigo- or violet-colored tongue suggests vascular and gastrointestinal issues or asthma,” as quoted by the New York Post.

The research team trained their AI model using over 5,200 tongue images, teaching it to recognize distinct color patterns and their corresponding health conditions. To test the model’s accuracy, they employed 60 tongue images from two hospitals in the Middle East. The patients simply positioned themselves approximately 8 inches from a laptop’s webcam, and the program successfully identified the correct disease in nearly all instances.

Professor Javaan Chahl from the University of South Australia envisions the technology being integrated into a smartphone app, allowing individuals to conduct self-screening for various health issues, including diabetes, stroke, anemia, asthma, and more. He emphasizes that this computerized tongue analysis offers a reliable, easy-to-use, and cost-effective approach to disease screening, merging traditional practices with modern technology.

While this innovative technology holds significant promise for early disease detection, it’s essential to remember that a visual tongue analysis should not be used as a sole diagnostic tool. It should be considered as a complementary method, alongside traditional medical examinations and tests, for a comprehensive evaluation of health conditions.

Hairy Tongue:

It’s also important to note that a furry-looking coating on the tongue, appearing in black, brown, or white, could indicate a condition called “hairy tongue.” In this case, proteins cause tiny bumps on the tongue to grow longer, trapping food and bacteria. Typically, brushing or scraping the tongue effectively resolves this condition. However, if white patches remain even after scraping, it could signify oral hairy leukoplakia, a condition potentially linked to viral infections like Epstein-Barr or HIV. In such cases, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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