Air Canada Scraps Seat Selection Fee Amidst Passenger Backlash

Air Canada’s attempt to implement a seat selection fee for economy passengers met with swift backlash from travelers, leading the airline to halt the charge just days after its introduction.

Previously, economy fare passengers could switch their assigned seats at check-in without cost. However, Air Canada announced that starting April 24th, economy passengers who hadn’t pre-purchased seats would incur a fee to change their assigned seats.

The decision sparked outrage on social media, with many travelers expressing surprise and dissatisfaction, claiming they were not informed about the change by Air Canada beforehand. Within two days, the airline discontinued the fee, citing “operational considerations” to facilitate a smoother introduction of the policy. Air Canada noted that the feedback from customers on this matter was minimal.

This suspended fee is part of a broader industry trend where airlines are increasingly relying on extra charges for services that used to be included, such as checked luggage, onboard refreshments, and internet connectivity.

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