Airbending Guide for Efficient Travel and Chakra Quests in Season 2

Mastering Airbending for Effective Map Navigation and Chakra Quests

In Season 2, Airbending offers exceptional mobility through Air Wheel and allows for reaching high platforms with Air Jump. For those pursuing Air Chakra quests, specific objectives require Air Jumping at designated windmills.

Air Jumping at Windmills in Chapter 5

Upon encountering a windmill, activate Air Jump in its vicinity to complete the quest objective. This will contribute to unlocking your Air Chakra and grant 350 Elements Battle Pass experience.

Locating Airbending Scrolls

To acquire an Airbending scroll, visit shrines located at the following areas:

* Grim Gate
* Fencing Field

Alternative Scroll Acquisition Methods

* Scavenging from the ground or defeated enemies
* Utilizing Air Wheel to travel to shrines

Strategic Considerations

Opting for a shrine visit offers a safer route but may involve competition for scrolls. Conversely, waiting for scrolls to drop carries the risk of encounters with other players. Air Wheel gliding, while evasive, still poses a risk of attack during travel to windmills.

Additional Tips

* Anticipate conflicts at Airbending shrines and be prepared to engage in combat.
* If retrieving scrolls from shrines proves challenging, consider using Air Jump to descend rapidly and secure one before departing for the windmills.

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