In an unexpected turn of events, an Airbnb host has revealed that his guests transformed his rental into a makeshift laundromat. According to the TikToker, who goes by the handle @crazyairbnbstories, the guests’ peculiar behavior raised suspicions from the start. Despite living in the local area, they booked the rental for a full week, an unusual pattern for guests.
Upon further investigation, the TikToker discovered that the guests owned a washing business in town. A review on their website revealed that they had recently closed for a period, likely prompting them to use the Airbnb rental as an alternative to clean their laundry.
During their four-day stay, the guests reportedly ran their cleaning business out of the property, using the two large washers and dryers for their commercial operations. While the TikToker clarifies that the guests’ actions did not cause any significant damage to the property, the excessive use of water resulted in a substantial increase in his water bill, amounting to approximately $375.
Commenters on TikTok expressed a range of reactions to the story. Some questioned the authenticity of the claims, citing the improbability of using 15,000 gallons of water in such a short period. Others praised the guests for maximizing their value by using the amenities provided with their rental.