Akamai Achieves ISO 14001 Certification, Demonstrating Commitment to Environmental Excellence

Akamai Technologies, the cloud company that powers and protects life online, has achieved a significant milestone in its environmental commitment. The company has attained ISO 14001 certification, a globally recognized standard for environmental management systems (EMS), across its entire Akamai Connected Cloud. This achievement underscores Akamai’s dedication to sustainable practices and minimizing its environmental impact.

ISO 14001 provides a robust framework for organizations to continually improve their environmental performance. By adhering to this standard, Akamai ensures its proactive approach to reducing its environmental footprint, complying with relevant legal requirements, achieving environmental objectives, and continuously seeking ways to improve.

Mike Mattera, director of corporate sustainability and ESG officer at Akamai, emphasized the significance of this achievement. “Achieving ISO 14001 environmental management system attestation is testament to Akamai’s unwavering commitment to environmental excellence,” he stated. “As a leader in the internet ecosystem, Akamai takes responsibility for reducing environmental impacts by pursuing our five 2030 goals across Akamai Connected Cloud. ISO 14001 offers a structured approach for us to address these pressing concerns.”

Akamai’s comprehensive EMS is meticulously designed to reduce the company’s environmental impact and manage risks and opportunities throughout its entire value chain. The EMS is utilized daily for tracking, monitoring, measuring, and reporting, ensuring adherence to all aspects of the ISO 14001 standard and the realization of its 2030 goals.

This certification highlights Akamai’s commitment to operating responsibly and sustainably. The company is demonstrating its leadership role in the technology industry by actively implementing practices that protect the environment while delivering its vital services to billions of users globally.

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