Alberta Premier’s Anonymous Letter Raises Concerns About Edmonton City Councillor

Barely a month after Alberta Premier Danielle Smith publicly discussed an anonymous letter expressing concerns about the City of Edmonton, Global News has obtained the document.

The two-page letter, signed by “a concerned citizen,” raises worries about Ward Karhiio Councillor Keren Tang. Tang’s spouse is the co-founder of a non-profit organization that received sponsorship from an Edmonton technology firm. The technology company subsequently leased land from the City of Edmonton as part of the Edmonton Research Park development.

Tang was present at an executive committee meeting on March 23, 2022, where councilors discussed the Edmonton Research Park, which is in Tang’s ward. She directed questions to numerous speakers, including representatives from the technology company in question.

“I observe that Councillor Tang went out of her way to procure information for the public that would specifically benefit (the company),” the anonymous letter alleges. “Second, she also went out of her way to attend meetings, ask questions and shape committee and council discussions that lead to a favourable lease and purchase agreement,” the person wrote.

In an exclusive interview with Global News on Wednesday, Tang stated that she attended the meeting and asked questions because she is passionate about the project. “I’ve been very public about my interest in the Edmonton Research Park. I ran on a platform to be elected to rejuvenate and reinvigorate this research park,” Tang said.

Tang went on to say that she and all Edmonton city councillors regularly discuss potential conflicts of interest with a city representative. “From day one I have always sought the advice of our ethics advisor to understand what are my interests when it comes to whether it’s this issue or any other issue,” Tang said. “I followed those procedures and policies very closely heeding (that) advice.”

The Alberta government received the anonymous letter in late March. At a press conference on March 27, Smith informed reporters that she had various concerns about the City of Edmonton.

She did not provide specifics, except to say that the city is facing severe financial difficulties, which Edmonton city council has been open about. Smith did mention that some of her concerns stemmed from hearing that a letter was being sent to the Minister of Municipal Affairs.

“I don’t want to pre-judge what may or may not be in a letter that we’ve been told that we’ll receive,” the premier told reporters. “I just wouldn’t mind seeing the letter, talking to my Municipal Affairs minister and seeing if there’s anything more that we need to do.”

Smith declined to elaborate on her understanding of the letter’s contents. She did say that it and other complaints raised concerns and that the province was willing to step in and assist Edmonton in resolving the issues identified in the document.

Tang stated that she recently learned that she was named in the letter. She added that it is “irresponsible” for the premier to comment on it before she had seen the document. “Our leader’s words carry weight and I think for her to put something out there, I want to say so carelessly, puts the City of Edmonton at a great amount of risk,” Tang said.

She emphasized that politicians at all levels of government have extensive networks and rely on ethics advisors to assist them in avoiding potential conflicts of interest.

“That’s something I think the premier and her government are aware of because they are also abiding by some of the similar kinds of expectations, so I’m confused as to why she would put out comments like that that’s unsubstantiated,”

Mount Royal University political scientist Lori Williams concurs. “It isn’t appropriate to speculate about an entire city council and its competence based on an anonymous letter with such tentative allegations,” Williams said Wednesday.

Williams stated that the premier’s comments on the letter are the most recent example of the province intervening in municipal affairs. She also highlighted Bill 18, which places the province in funding arrangements between the federal and municipal governments, as well as legislation that will be introduced on Thursday to establish political parties in municipal politics.

“It doesn’t make any sense at all why the provincial government feels it has to battle against the elected representatives or the governments or the councils of municipalities,” said Williams.

On April 20, Smith was questioned about the document on her weekly radio show, Our Province Our Premier on 630 CHED. “When we receive an ethics concern about a municipal council member, we forward that on to the ethics commissioner on the municipal level because that’s the appropriate thing to do,” Smith said.

The City of Edmonton’s integrity commissioner confirmed to Global News that the letter had been received.

“This letter will first be reviewed according to the process found in the City of Edmonton Council Code of Conduct Bylaw 18483. If I determine that the content of the letter falls within the jurisdiction of the Council Code of Conduct and should be investigated, the investigation process is usually completed within 90 days from the date I determine that an investigation is necessary,” Jamie Pytel wrote.

Because that process has started, Tang declined to go into further detail, stating that all levels of government should observe how the process unfolds. “Rather than throwing mud I think we should be ethical, be responsible with our words,” said Tang.

Smith was unavailable to answer questions about the document on Wednesday. Global News inquired with her press secretary whether the allegations in the letter warranted the premier’s involvement and public statements.

“The premier and the minister spoke to the letter in response to questions from the media,” wrote Sam Blackett.

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