ALDI Confirms Police Investigation into Recalled Tortilla Wraps

ALDI Confirms Police Investigation into Recalled Tortilla Wraps

Following a recent recall of Village Bakery 8 Tortilla Wraps White, ALDI has confirmed that the matter is part of an ongoing police investigation. The recall affects all products with best-before dates up to and including April 29, 2024, and customers are advised to return them to their nearest Aldi store for a full refund.

The supermarket has emphasized that no other products are currently affected by the recall and has apologized for not meeting its usual high standards of quality and safety. A spokesperson for the company stated that all products undergo rigorous safety and quality checks and that the recall is a precautionary measure.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has also issued a statement, indicating that Signature Flatbreads UK, the manufacturer of the recalled wraps, is collaborating with relevant food and police agencies to determine the cause of contamination. The FSA has advised consumers to avoid consuming the affected product and to return it to the store of purchase for a full refund.

According to the NHS, swallowing sharp objects such as metal or plastic can pose significant health risks, including damage to teeth, the mouth, and the food pipe. Additionally, these objects can puncture the intestines and cause internal bleeding. In the event of mild choking, individuals may be able to clear the blockage themselves. However, severe choking requires immediate medical attention, as the person may become unconscious. If back blows and chest or abdominal thrusts do not resolve the blockage, it is crucial to call emergency services and continue the procedure until help arrives.

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