Alternative Weight Loss Remedies: Beware the Risks

Alternative Weight Loss Remedies: Beware the Risks

The increasing prevalence of obesity has led many people to explore alternative remedies for weight loss. While these remedies may seem appealing, it’s crucial to be aware of their potential side effects and risks.

Some popular alternative remedies include appetite suppressants, steroids, herbal tonics, and protein powders. However, these remedies may not always work as expected and can even have harmful consequences. Issues with the liver, kidneys, and intestines are among the most common side effects.

Dr. Vivek Bindal, Director & Head of Minimal Access, Bariatric & Robotic Surgery at Max Hospital, Vaishali, cautions against relying on alternative remedies without proper supervision. Dr. Rakesh Durkhure, Director & Senior Consultant at Marengo Asia Hospital, Gurugram, emphasizes the importance of understanding the appropriate dosage and medication for weight loss.

Common side effects of alternative remedies for weight loss include loose motions, nutrient loss, muscle loss, electrolyte imbalance, damage to the stomach lining, and psychological trauma.

Even genuine medicines prescribed for weight loss can be harmful if not taken under proper supervision. For example, Orlistat and Mefa termin, which are used to treat obesity and increase heart rate, respectively, can cause unhealthy weight loss, liver, kidney, and intestinal problems if taken incorrectly.

Natural supplements like swarna (gold) bhasma and chandi (silver) bhasma, which are touted as antioxidants for weight loss, can be difficult for the body to metabolize and may indirectly harm the liver.

Popular weight loss injectables like Ozempic and Wegovy, which are not permitted for use in India, may be available on some online markets in tablet form. However, it’s important to note that there’s no guarantee of their authenticity or efficacy, and they can pose potential health risks.

Dr. Bindal advises consulting a medical practitioner, dietitian, or nutritionist before using any weight loss remedies. It’s essential to check the efficacy and scientific veracity of the methods you’re considering.

Dr. Durkhure recommends the ‘5-5-5’ funda for healthy weight loss: avoid salt and sugar after 5 pm, walk 5 kms daily, and drink 5 liters of water daily.

Both experts emphasize the importance of balanced meals, appropriate exercises, and avoiding fad diets and processed foods. Natural supplements should also be approached with caution as they can have chemical interactions with different bodies and may have elevated side effects in individuals with compromised health.

Ultimately, it’s always advisable to seek professional guidance before embarking on any weight loss journey, as the approach should be tailored to individual needs and health considerations.

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