Always Feeling Hungry? Understand Your Glucose Response for Lasting Satiety

## Always Feeling Hungry? Understanding Your Glucose Response for Lasting Satiety

Ever feel like you could eat a horse, even after a full meal? It’s a frustrating experience, but understanding the science behind your hunger could be the key to finding a solution. While there are plenty of lifestyle and physiological factors that can explain your constant desire for food, one often overlooked factor is your body’s glucose response to what you eat and drink.

Lingo, a biosensor, app, and coaching program developed by Abbott, a global healthcare leader, is designed to empower individuals to understand their glucose levels and make informed choices for healthier habits. Let’s delve into some of the reasons why you might be experiencing constant hunger pangs and how taking a closer look at your diet could provide the answers you’re looking for.

### Why Not All Hunger Is the Same

Your body runs on energy, and physical hunger is a clear signal that you need to fuel up. Common hunger symptoms include a rumbling stomach and difficulty concentrating, which typically subside after eating. Glucose and hunger are intricately linked, and a dip in your glucose levels after a period of fasting is one of the primary reasons for genuine physical hunger.

However, you can also feel hungry when your body isn’t actually in a calorie deficit. This could be triggered by emotional factors like boredom and stress, but it might also stem from your eating habits. Consider this common scenario: consuming sugary or carbohydrate-heavy snacks can cause a rapid spike in your glucose levels, followed by a surge of insulin that leads to a crash. The result? You feel hungry again, even though your body might not need more calories.

To gain a deeper understanding of how different foods affect your glucose levels and subsequent hunger pangs, consider wearing a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) like Lingo. CGMs track your glucose 24/7, providing real-time insights that can help you decipher what’s causing your seemingly insatiable hunger and empower you to adjust your eating habits accordingly.

### 5 Reasons Why You Might Always Feel Hungry

If you’re constantly feeling peckish, it could be a sign that your calorie intake is too low, and you need to eat more. Regular exercise can also increase your appetite as your muscles demand more energy.

But persistent feelings of hunger could also be due to factors related to your diet and lifestyle, including:


You’re Not Eating Enough Protein:

Protein-rich foods are known for their satiating qualities. If you always feel hungry, consider whether you’re getting enough protein in your diet. Excellent sources of this essential macronutrient include eggs, meat, fish, soy, and dairy products.


You Need More Fiber:

Fiber, found in plant-based foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, keeps you feeling fuller for longer by slowing down digestion. Not consuming enough fiber and opting for low-fiber carbohydrates that cause glucose spikes might be fueling your constant desire for food. The NHS recommends that adults consume 30g of fiber per day.


You’re Stressed:

Stress has been shown to increase cravings, particularly for sugary or carbohydrate-heavy foods. Additionally, stress can trigger a sudden rise in your glucose levels. If you find yourself frequently feeling stressed, consider incorporating calming tactics like short walks or breathing exercises.


You’re Avoiding Healthy Fats:

While fat is often seen as the enemy, healthy fats, such as those found in nuts, seeds, and oily fish, are actually very satiating and contribute to maintaining more stable glucose levels.


You Need More Sleep:

Sleep plays a crucial role in appetite control, so failing to get enough quality sleep can throw things off balance. Adults are encouraged to aim for seven to nine hours of good-quality sleep each night, according to NHS guidelines.

### How to Manage Your Hunger

If you’re constantly feeling hungry, consider whether any of the factors mentioned above apply to you. Eating a balanced diet rich in fiber, protein, and healthy fats will help you feel fuller and support more stable glucose levels. You might also want to experiment with different food combinations to see which ones best curb your hunger – something the Lingo biosensor, app, and coaching program can assist with through continuous glucose insights and real-time data, guiding you towards healthier choices.

By tracking how your glucose levels and feelings of hunger change in response to food, you can start to identify patterns and adapt your eating habits to what works best for your body – helping to regulate your appetite while boosting your overall well-being.

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