The latest season of American Horror Story, which premiered in September 2023, follows the story of Anna (Emma Roberts), an actress torn between her desire for motherhood and her ambition to win an Oscar. As Anna embarks on an IVF journey, she encounters supernatural forces and creepy figures that foreshadow a sinister pregnancy.
After losing her baby following the IVF procedure, Anna finds herself mysteriously pregnant again. Suspicions arise that this is not her husband Dex’s baby, setting the stage for a series of events involving demon babies, supernatural entities, and a Satanic cult.
The season also features flashbacks to 1987 and 1988, revealing the backstory of a mysterious figure named Preacher and the connection between Anna’s family and demonic forces. Throughout the season, Anna makes deals with the devil, her desire for an Oscar being one of them. But as she delves deeper into this supernatural realm, she uncovers the true nature of her publicist, Siobhan, and the sinister coven of witches she leads.
In a gripping finale, Anna gives birth to a healthy baby boy, but not without sacrifices. Siobhan’s true identity as a demonic figure is revealed, as is her plan to use Anna for her witchy coven’s eternal youth and power. However, with the help of the ghost of Dex’s first wife, Anna is able to break Siobhan’s curse and return to her normal life.
American Horror Story’s latest season is a thrilling and suspenseful journey into the supernatural, exploring themes of demonic possessions, the occult, and the sacrifices women make in pursuit of their desires.