Americans Divided on Foreign Aid Spending Amidst Ukraine and Israel Support

American voters are divided on the issue of foreign aid spending, with a majority expressing concerns about excessive expenditures. A recent Rasmussen Reports poll revealed that 57% of respondents believe the US government is spending too much on foreign assistance overall. This sentiment extends to aid for Ukraine, with 47% of Americans deeming the recently approved $48 billion package as excessive. However, support for aid to Israel remains relatively strong, with 49% of respondents viewing the $14 billion allocation to West Jerusalem as appropriate or insufficient. A separate CBS News/YouGov survey indicates a decline in public support for continued military aid to Ukraine, with only 53% of Americans endorsing such assistance, down from 72% two years ago. This decline is particularly evident among those who do not believe the US has an obligation to promote democracy abroad, with only 28% of this group supporting Ukraine aid. These findings highlight the complex and evolving public opinion on foreign aid in the United States, with varying levels of support for different recipients and underlying concerns about the overall level of spending.

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