An Albino Doe’s Legacy: Snow Brings Community Together in Crown Point

In a tranquil corner beneath the shade of a tree in front of First United Methodist Church in Crown Point, there rests a small statue of a white deer – a replica of Snow. Snow, an albino doe, captured the hearts of Crown Point’s south-side residents during her eight years of life. Her statue serves not only as a memorial to her but also as an embodiment of what she represents, according to Rev. Mark Wilkins, the church’s senior pastor: a sense of community in a world that often feels harsh and indifferent.

While Snow may not have created kindness, she undoubtedly brought it out in people, said Crown Point City Councilman Joe Sanders. “I’ve never eulogized a deer before, but this is bigger than that,” Sanders said. “This is about community.”

Community, Wilkins emphasized, encompasses more than just geographical boundaries. Snow, despite being “just an animal” to some, became a thread that wove people together. “She was this simple, gentle presence in our life that brightened our days,” Wilkins said. “Maybe she was just a warm spot in our lives, so we say ‘Thank you’ for the opportunity to have those memories.”

Snow’s life ended on April 1st after she was struck by a car, leaving her with injuries too severe to return to the wild. Pat Thomas and her partner, Jerry Nibert, often spotted Snow relaxing by their air conditioner, where Nibert would feed her apples, earning him her favor. “She’d walk across the yard, and it was like she knew he was the one who gives me apples,” Thomas said. “We got to pet her head. She sure brought people a lot of smiles.”

Tanya Osborne, who recited a poem she had written about Snow, recounted an encounter she had with the doe when she looked out her window one day. Snow approached the window, and the two stood “nose-to-nose.” “We were looking at each other, and she just had this calm, wonderful look on her face,” Osborne said.

After the memorial service, Wilkins bestowed blessings on the beloved pets that over 100 attendees brought with them. Linda Martis brought Gia, her lively Collie, while Jen Price sought a blessing to bring peace to her giant rabbit, Thumper, who had been abandoned in Cedar Lake.

Kate Hodson, a Hebron-based equine veterinarian, explained that despite all efforts to save Snow, her injuries were too severe for her to live a normal life without suffering. Snow’s overweight condition and familiarity with humans meant that even if she had recovered, she would not have been able to return to Crown Point. Efforts to find a wildlife sanctuary that could accommodate an adult deer proved unsuccessful.

Yet, Snow’s presence left an enduring impact on the community. “I think she served her purpose,” Hodson said. “I think that’s why God put her in this world. It wasn’t to be a white deer and stand out. It’s to show people do still have compassion in a world so cold that we see every day.”

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