In a groundbreaking discovery, astronomers have identified three ancient alien stars orbiting the Milky Way galaxy. These stars, known as Small Accreted Stellar System (SASS) stars, are believed to be among the oldest in the universe, formed shortly after the Big Bang approximately 13.8 billion years ago.
Through a meticulous reanalysis of previously observed stars located around 30,000 light-years from Earth in the Milky Way’s halo, researchers determined that these stars possess a unique chemical composition, indicating their extreme age. Additionally, their trajectories suggest that they did not originate within our galaxy but were rather captured from the outskirts of other ancient galaxies as the Milky Way expanded and interacted with its cosmic neighbors.
The discovery of these ancient stellar wanderers offers scientists a unique opportunity to study the early universe directly. By examining the chemical composition and orbital characteristics of SASS stars, researchers can gain insights into the formation and evolution of galaxies in the primordial cosmos. Furthermore, this discovery opens up exciting possibilities for identifying additional SASS stars within the Milky Way’s vast expanse, potentially shedding further light on the dynamic history of our galaxy and the universe itself.