Annoying Habits of American Tourists Dining Abroad: A Guide to Cultural Etiquette

Trying new restaurants and cafes is one of the best parts of traveling. Whether you’re wandering through Barcelona, Sydney, or somewhere in between, heading out to dinner or popping into a new café each morning gives you the chance to experience new foods and learn about a new culture. But dining culture varies greatly around the world, so you can’t exactly roll into a restaurant anywhere you travel and expect things to be done exactly as you’re used to at home. Sometimes, you’ll need to adjust your ways to make sure your behavior and expectations match the local cultural norms. Navigating unfamiliar dining customs can feel daunting, and with this, there are a number of common mistakes people make when dining out internationally. But don’t worry, we have you covered with some advice.

Depending where you’re going on your upcoming travels, here are some common mistakes you’ll want to do your best to avoid:

Rushing through your meal.

Remember dreaming of long, drawn-out lunches while planning your summer vacation to the Mediterranean? Well, once you’re there, it’s important to actually slow down enough to let those extended afternoon meals happen. The United States is a very go, go, go kind of culture. But rushing through a meal isn’t the norm everywhere else. “In Italy and France, rushing through a multicourse meal would be a big no-no,” said Kelly Duhigg, who is a travel blogger and founder of Girl With the Passport. “They savor the experience of dining, and the restaurants won’t feel rushed to turn the table. It took me a while to slow down and truly appreciate all the elements of every dish.”

Timon van Basten, who is a tour guide in Spain, echoed that sentiment. “I’ve seen tourists get really impatient and demand faster service without realizing that’s just not how it’s done in that culture,” he said. “They enjoy taking their time in multiple courses.” Of course, this isn’t only something to be aware of in Europe. Chris Atkins, owner of Central America Fishing said he comes across this a lot in Central America as well. “In the U.S., our customer-first society has conditioned us to expect service immediately if they want our business,” he said. “In Latin America, dining out is more of a luxury, so the experience isn’t rushed and is meant to be enjoyed.”

Expecting to eat dinner at 6 p.m.

Meal times vary pretty significantly throughout the world, so when you’re traveling, it’s best to try to adapt to local meal schedules (when possible) and to plan ahead so you know when restaurants will be open. This could mean heading out to dinner at 9 p.m. instead of your usual 6 p.m. “In Latin America and the Mediterranean, meals are often eaten later — around 8 or 9 p.m.,” said Emmanuel Burgio, founder of Blue Parallel, a company that offers luxury tours in Latin America, the Mediterranean, and the Arctic. “In Buenos Aires, it is typical to dine at around 10 p.m., and many restaurants won’t take reservations until at least 8 p.m.”

Expecting to be able to buy food late into the night.

Some travel destinations have a thriving, late-night food scene. But not all — some cities and towns shut down after dinner hours and it isn’t possible to grab food late at night. “Many cities in the U.S. do not sleep — you [can] get food and drinks 24/7,” said Ravi Parikh, founder of RoverPass. “However, it is incorrect to assume that every country offers this convenience. I suggest you avoid wandering around at night expecting to find an open fast-food joint or restaurant. Instead, you must plan to have dinner earlier or explore local street food options during the day.”

Being a bit too loud at dinner.

When dining out, being loud and boisterous isn’t always the way to go. If you’re in a restaurant that’s fairly quiet, try to make sure your behavior matches the general vibe of the people around you. “Loudness in restaurants is definitely something Americans need to be cautious of overseas,” said Elaine Warren, founder and CEO of The Family Cruise Companion. “In many European countries, it’s expected to have a quiet, almost hushed tone during meals. It took some adjustment on our parts to dial it back after years of lively mealtime conversations at home. We found that respecting that custom led to a much more relaxing experience.”

Sure, engaging in conversation and laughter is only natural, but in many cultures, being excessively loud can be disruptive, pointed out Jay Ternavan, founder of JayWay Travel. “In some countries, maintaining a silent and respectful atmosphere is valuable, so keeping your tone low is essential.”

Expecting takeaway coffee.

If you’re a coffee fiend, exploring local cafés each morning is one of the best aspects of traveling. But be prepared for some major differences in coffee culture — especially if you’re planning on grabbing your coffee to go. In many places, it’s far more common to sit down and drink your coffee at the café (without your laptop) than to take it away. “In many parts of the world, grabbing a coffee is a leisurely experience, savored in cozy cafés with friends or loved ones,” said Michael L. Moore, founder of the travel company Countdown to Magic. “Immerse yourself in this local tradition by finding a charming café and indulging in a slow, relaxing coffee break. And while you’re at it, branch out from your usual coffee order and explore regional specialties — you might just discover a new favorite.”

Taking business calls or working from your laptop at dinner.

Planning to work through lunch or dinner? Take a look around to see if anyone else is doing the same. If not, you may want to leave your laptop at home. “It is important to take cues from locals when traveling — observe the customs and do your best to ensure a disturbance-free experience for everyone,” said Karen Magee, president of Valerie Wilson Travel, Chase Travel Group. “Simple things like taking in speech volume cues to leaving your laptop and phone calls for after a meal can go a long way in how you present yourself while abroad.”

We all know it’s hard not to look at your phone or snap a photo of every dish that’s brought to your table, but you may want to try to minimize technology use during mealtimes. “When traveling with our kids to other countries, we bring a sketchbook and pencils so they don’t have to be on electronics at the dinner,” said Keri Baugh, a travel writer and founder of the family travel blog Bon Voyage With Kids. “Loud electronics in small European restaurants can disturb other diners, so we avoid this to not be annoying.”

Expecting free refills.

In many countries, beverage orders have distinct differences from how they’re handled in the U.S. When heading somewhere new, you may want to adjust your expectations so you don’t expect free refills. “Unlike many restaurants in the USA, non-alcoholic beverages like soda and sparkling water are often in smaller glasses, often without ice, and the “refills” aren’t free — you pay for each one you order,” Baugh said.

Expecting your bill will be brought to your table quickly.

In the U.S., you’re probably used to your server bringing your bill to the table right away — sometimes while food is still on the table. But this isn’t the norm everywhere. “Here in Central America, after a meal it’s common to have a ‘cafecito,’ a small cup of coffee or cappuccino that serves as a digestivo after a big meal,” Atkins said. “It can be frustrating to U.S. tourists that once they are clearly done with their meal, they have to wait 10-20 minutes for someone to check in on them and bring them the bill. This cultural difference often gets misconstrued as poor service, but in reality, the restaurant was giving you ample time to enjoy your meal, post-meal cafecito, and conversation. So yes, things happen at a slower pace here, but it’s not laziness or poor service, it’s just a different focus on what’s important when dining out.”

And sometimes, in places like France, you may need to request your check before your server will bring it to your table.

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