Antiques Roadshow Season 35, the highly anticipated edition of the long-running series, premiered on October 7, 2012. Under the guidance of the knowledgeable host Fiona Bruce, the show takes viewers on a captivating journey to various locations, including Marham in Norfolk, Falmouth National Maritime Museum in Cornwall, and Chatham Historic Dockyard.
Each episode of Antiques Roadshow Season 35 delves into the captivating history, value, and potential cost of unique antique items. The expert appraisers on the team provide in-depth insights into the origins and significance of these pieces, leaving viewers with a newfound appreciation for the craftsmanship and heritage that often lie hidden within everyday objects.
To watch Antiques Roadshow Season 35, viewers can take advantage of the streaming services offered by AMC Plus. AMC Plus boasts an extensive library of award-winning movies, television shows, and documentaries, including the latest season of Antiques Roadshow. Subscribers can access the show through the AMC Plus app or website.
Additionally, subscribers to Amazon Prime Video can add AMC Plus as a channel, granting them access to Antiques Roadshow Season 35 and the wider AMC Plus catalog. This option provides viewers with the convenience of accessing the show alongside their existing Amazon Prime Video content.
Antiques Roadshow Season 35 offers a captivating blend of history, art, and human connection. Join the team of experts as they uncover the hidden stories behind remarkable antiques and collectibles, providing a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of the United Kingdom and beyond.