Arizona Voters Demand Action on Water and Forest Management: New Survey Underscores Shared Priorities

A new survey conducted by the Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA) reveals that Arizona voters are united in their desire for strong action on water and forest management. The 2024 Arizona Voters’ Agenda survey, conducted in collaboration with HighGround, Inc., highlights a clear consensus across political and generational lines, with overwhelming support for policies that safeguard the state’s natural resources.

The survey found that a staggering 93% of voters support stronger groundwater protection measures and securing long-term water supplies, with a particularly strong endorsement from younger voters – 95% of those aged 20-29. This widespread agreement underscores the importance of comprehensive water management strategies that address the shared priorities of Arizona’s diverse electorate.

In a similar vein, the survey revealed that 92% of voters support active forest management, with 72% expressing strong support. This robust consensus transcends partisan lines, with 90% of Republicans, 93% of independent/unaffiliated voters, and 95% of Democrats agreeing on the need for proactive forest management. This data clearly demonstrates that forest management is not a partisan issue but a shared priority for the entire state.

Dr. Sybil Francis, Chair, President & CEO of CFA, emphasizes the significance of these findings, stating, “Arizona voters agree on key environmental challenges, and this consensus gives candidates a clear mandate to act. When it comes to protecting our water and managing our forests, voters are telling us loud and clear: these are urgent priorities for Arizona’s future, and they expect leaders to take real action.” These findings are consistent with CFA’s long-standing research on Shared Public Values and The Arizona We Want, which have consistently tracked the state’s strong commitment to sustainable practices.

The results of the 2024 Arizona Voters’ Agenda survey provide a powerful message for candidates leading up to the November general election. Voters are demanding action on water and forest management, recognizing the critical role these issues play in securing Arizona’s future. With such widespread support, these issues are likely to take center stage in the upcoming election.

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