Arizonans Demand Long-Term Planning for Sustainable Growth

Arizonans are sending a clear message: they want their state leaders to prioritize long-term planning and stable revenue sources to ensure the state’s continued prosperity. The Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA) recently released the results of its 2024 Arizona Voters’ Agenda survey, which reveals a strong consensus across political affiliations for a strategic investment approach to guide Arizona’s future.

The survey, conducted in collaboration with HighGround, Inc., reveals that Arizonans are increasingly concerned about the state’s ability to handle anticipated growth. With Arizona projected to reach 8 million residents by 2030 and 9 million by 2040, voters recognize the importance of long-term planning. A resounding 88% of voters agree that Arizona needs “a long-term investment strategy based on stable revenue and better planning” to sustain growth.

The survey also highlights voter frustration with the current short-term budget planning approach, which they believe creates uncertainty. A significant majority (83% of Republicans, 90% of independents, and 93% of Democrats) agree that Arizona’s short-term budget planning creates uncertainty, with alternating budget shortfalls and cuts one year, followed by surpluses and spending the next.

The findings underscore the need for a more strategic approach to managing the state’s resources. Voters are calling for investments in infrastructure, education, and other essential areas to support growth and maintain quality of life. This sentiment is reflected in the survey’s findings that 52% of voters are not confident that the state is prepared for future growth and 87% support the statement that “It will take higher levels of planning and preparedness to ensure we have the resources and infrastructure to support growth and maintain our quality of life.”

This survey serves as a powerful reminder that voters are looking beyond the immediate and seeking leadership that prioritizes long-term planning and sustainable growth for Arizona’s future.

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