Armed Shoplifting Surges 91% in London Under Sadiq Khan

In a startling revelation, armed shoplifting in London has skyrocketed by 91% since Sadiq Khan took over as Mayor in 2015. This concerning trend is further compounded by a 34% increase in overall shoplifting incidents during the same period.

The statistics, obtained through a Freedom of Information request by mayoral contender Rob Blackie, highlight the alarming rise in shoplifting involving weapons or tools. From 456 recorded offenses in 2015, the number peaked at 844 in 2018 under Khan’s administration. Despite a temporary decline during the pandemic, armed shoplifting has rebounded to 874 incidents in 2023.

Overall shoplifting in London has followed a similar pattern, with 47,759 offenses recorded in 2015 compared to 57,414 in 2023. Rob Blackie, the Liberal Democrat candidate for Mayor, expressed grave concern over the epidemic levels of shoplifting and the worrying trend of weapon use, emphasizing that it is far from a victimless crime. He criticized the insufficient police response, which currently attends less than half of all shoplifting incidents, emboldening criminals and leaving retail staff and businesses vulnerable.

In response to the surge in shoplifting, Mayor Khan has attributed it to the rising cost of living, highlighting research by the London School of Economics that links economic hardship to increases in acquisitive crimes. However, Blackie argues that the lack of police presence on the streets and the chaos within the Metropolitan Police have exacerbated the situation. He has pledged to reallocate funds from Khan’s Tube fare freeze to enhance policing in areas most in need.

Khan has defended his record, stating that despite budget cuts, he has increased the number of Safer Neighborhood Teams supporting shops and collaborated with businesses on prosecutions. He also pointed to a nationwide increase in shoplifting, noting that the 29% rise across England and Wales is slightly lower than London’s 34% surge.

However, critics maintain that the diminished police response is a major issue. In the pre-pandemic years, police attended 43% of shoplifting calls, a figure that dropped to 38% during the pandemic and has only recently recovered to 44% under the current commissioner, Sir Mark Rowley.

The London mayoral election on May 2nd will be a critical opportunity for voters to address the alarming increase in shoplifting and consider the effectiveness of the current administration’s crime-prevention strategies.

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