Art Gallery of Ontario Workers Reach Tentative Agreement, Ending Month-Long Strike

A month-long strike by 400 workers at the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) has come to an end with the announcement of a tentative agreement between the union representing the workers and the gallery’s management.

The union, OPSEU/SEFPO Local 535, posted the update on Twitter early Thursday. “The first strike at the AGO has been a historic demonstration of collective action,” OPSEU wrote in a tweet.

Hundreds of workers had gone on strike on March 26 after they rejected the company’s offer. OPSEU Local 535 had previously said the offer failed “to make meaningful improvements on key issues, including wage increases and protections against contracting out for precarious part-time workers.”

Members of the union include assistant curators, archivists, food and hospitality staff, researchers, technicians, carpenters, electricians, instructors, designers, visitor services staff, and more, OPSEU said.

Details of the new tentative agreement were not revealed as union members still need to vote on the tentative agreement. The vote is expected to take place in the coming days.

The strike had a significant impact on the AGO, which was forced to close its doors to the public. The gallery also canceled or postponed several exhibitions and events.

The tentative agreement is a major victory for the workers, who had been fighting for better wages and working conditions. It is also a sign of the growing strength of the labor movement in Canada.

The AGO is one of the largest and most prestigious art galleries in Canada. It is home to a world-renowned collection of art from around the world.

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