Asteroid Apophis No Longer a Threat: ISRO Monitoring, NASA Confirms

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is keeping a close watch on the large asteroid Apophis, named after the Egyptian God of Chaos. While once considered a potential threat to Earth, recent observations have ruled out any risk of impact for at least the next century. ISRO chief Dr S Somanath has acknowledged the real existential threat posed by asteroid strikes, emphasizing the importance of monitoring such celestial objects. He confirmed that ISRO’s Network for Space Objects Tracking and Analysis (NETRA) is diligently monitoring Apophis, ensuring the safety of our planet.

Initially discovered in 2004, Apophis, estimated to be around 1,100 feet (335 meters) in diameter, was classified as one of the most hazardous asteroids due to its potential to impact Earth. However, after extensive tracking and improved orbit determination, NASA reassessed its risk assessment. A crucial radar observation campaign in March 2021, coupled with detailed analysis, conclusively eliminated any threat of collision for the next hundred years. The potential for an impact in 2068, previously a lingering concern, has also been completely ruled out.

Apophis’ close approach to Earth in 2029 had initially raised alarms, but subsequent observations dismissed the impact risk for both 2029 and 2036. The uncertainty surrounding a potential impact in 2068 was finally resolved through the meticulous analysis of radar observations during Apophis’ distant flyby in March 2021. This unprecedented level of detail allowed astronomers to precisely refine Apophis’ orbital path around the Sun, confidently eliminating any possibility of impact. Davide Farnocchia of NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) confirmed that the 2068 impact scenario is no longer a concern, stating that their calculations show no impact risk for at least the next 100 years. He also highlighted the significant improvement in Apophis’ orbital knowledge, reducing the uncertainty from hundreds of kilometers to just a few kilometers when projected to 2029. This enhanced precision enables a more accurate prediction of its future trajectory, ultimately removing Apophis from the list of potential threats to Earth.

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