Astrologer shares June horoscope for all zodiacs ahead of the ‘peak of the solar year’

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Inbaal predicts that Aries will thrive in the outgoing and active energy of Gemini season. However, she advises them to balance their fiery nature with the need for rest during this social and celebratory month. The first eight days of June will be particularly busy, with plenty of invitations and opportunities for socializing. However, from June 9th onwards, Mars moves into Taurus, encouraging Aries to slow down and prioritize relaxation.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

As Taurus season ends, those born under this sign may feel a sense of relief as they step out of the limelight. Inbaal notes that Taurus individuals prefer their calm and peaceful existence. However, the presence of several planets in Taurus still ensures some attention. Mercury, the planet of communication, will be in Taurus for the first two days of the month, bringing an influx of emails and requests. From the 9th onwards, Mars, the planet of passion, enters Taurus, indicating potential romantic pursuits. Uranus, the planet of chaos, also remains in Taurus throughout the month, suggesting surprises and unexpected events.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini season brings excitement and change for those born under this sign. Inbaal highlights that Gemini thrives onの変化とシフト. From June 3rd to 16th, Mercury, the planet of communication, will be in Gemini, bringing increased online attention, job offers, and invitations. Additionally, Venus, the planet of love, enters Gemini from June 1st to 16th, indicating a focus on romance. Jupiter, the planet of wealth, also remains in Gemini throughout the month, suggesting opportunities for good fortune.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer season officially begins on June 21st, when the sun enters this sign. Inbaal predicts that Cancer individuals will take center stage and experience a period of personal growth and fulfillment. The family-loving and calm nature of Cancer will be amplified during this time. Additionally, Mercury and Venus enter Cancer on June 17th, further enhancing the harmonious and домашняя атмосфера.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

The summer solstice is a time of peak solar energy, which will particularly impact Leo, a sign ruled by the sun. Inbaal notes that Leos will feel a surge of power and confidence, making them more assertive and willing to take risks. However, from June 21st onwards, Leo will experience a shift towards a calmer and more introspective energy.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Inbaal warns Virgos to be prepared for some unexpected twists and turns this month. Mercury, their ruling planet, will be visiting three different signs, potentially leading to challenges and the need for adaptability. The month begins with Mercury in Taurus, encouraging Virgos to focus on practical matters. From June 3rd to 16th, Mercury moves into Gemini, bringing increased social activity and invitations. Finally, from June 17th, Mercury enters Cancer, allowing Virgos to connect with their emotions and family.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Libra’s ruling planet, Venus, shares a harmonious relationship with Taurus. This suggests that Libras will experience a positive and fruitful connection with Taureans throughout the year. Venus and Mercury, the planet of communication, will move from Gemini to Cancer on June 17th, indicating a shift towards emotional sensitivity and a focus on home and family.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Pluto, Scorpio’s modern ruling planet, will be retrograde throughout the month, providing stability and helping to balance Scorpio’s intense emotions. Mars, Scorpio’s traditional ruler, also enters the calm sign of Taurus on June 8th, encouraging relaxation and peaceful pursuits. Scorpio individuals may find themselves drawn to spending time by the pool or indulging in creative activities.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

For Sagittarius, every month is a party. With Jupiter, their ruling planet, in the fun-loving sign of Gemini all month long, Sagittarius individuals can expect a packed social calendar filled with invitations to weddings, events, and gatherings. Jupiter’s presence in Gemini also suggests potential opportunities for financial growth and networking.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

The full moon in Capricorn, also known as the Strawberry Moon, occurs on June 22nd. Inbaal advises Capricorns to prepare for this event by reviewing their finances, reflecting on their goals, and engaging in spiritual practices such as candle lighting. The full moon can provide an extra boost of energy and clarity for Capricorns.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius, known for their social consciousness and focus on collective issues, may feel a sense of urgency to address larger concerns this month. Their ruling planet, Uranus, remains in peaceful Taurus, suggesting a need for patience and a slower pace. This allows Aquarius individuals to take their time in supporting others and making decisions.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces individuals have experienced a period of intense transformation and growth in recent months, with Saturn and Neptune in their sign. As these planets prepare to go retrograde, Pisces may encounter some setbacks or delays. However, Inbaal advises them to focus on the lessons learned and to approach any challenges with a positive mindset.

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