In 2017, one of Charlize Theron’s most acclaimed films, Atomic Blonde, emerged as a standout action thriller. Set against the backdrop of the Berlin Wall’s fall, Theron portrayed a skilled spy tasked with recovering a stolen list of intelligence agents operating within Berlin. The film garnered widespread critical acclaim, including a 3.5 out of 5 score from CinemaBlend’s review. In April 2018, Theron confirmed that a sequel was in development. However, updates on Atomic Blonde 2 have been scarce since then. In a recent interview with CinemaBlend, writer Kurt Johnstad shared his aspirations for the franchise’s future. Johnstad, who penned the screenplay for the first film, envisioned Atomic Blonde as a trilogy and expressed his desire to see the remaining two films realized. While the majority of the interview focused on Johnstad’s latest project, Rebel Moon: Part Two – The Scargiver, he addressed the status of Atomic Blonde 2. Johnstad revealed that he had not been involved in the project and that Charlize Theron’s production company, Denver & Delilah Productions Inc., had creative control. He acknowledged the possibility that they may have engaged another writer or secured a draft but remained uncertain. Johnstad emphasized that during the development of the first film, he had a clear vision for a series of movies. He believes the story lends itself well to a trilogy and hopes that it will ultimately be brought to fruition. He also expressed his willingness to contribute should his assistance be required. The original Atomic Blonde was released in theaters, but its sequel has been slated for Netflix since 2020. This aligns with Charlize Theron’s previous collaborations with the streaming giant, including The Old Guard and The School for Good and Evil. Despite being announced for over two years, the last substantial update on Atomic Blonde 2 came in December 2022. Producer Kelly McCormick attributed the delay to the team’s commitment to ensuring the sequel’s quality. Johnstad remains optimistic that Atomic Blonde 2 and even a hypothetical Atomic Blonde 3 will eventually materialize. He fondly recalled the experience of working on the first film, particularly his collaboration with director David Leitch, who had recently made his directorial debut with John Wick alongside Chad Stahelski. Leitch’s enthusiasm for the script and his ability to capture its essence through his signature visual style and action sequences left a lasting impression on Johnstad. Atomic Blonde featured a talented supporting cast, including James McAvoy, Til Schweiger, Eddie Marsan, and Sofia Boutella. In addition to critical acclaim, the film also performed well commercially, grossing over $100 million worldwide against a $30 million budget. While the future of Atomic Blonde 2 remains uncertain, the original film continues to be a captivating and entertaining watch. In addition to The Old Guard 2, Charlize Theron has Fast XI lined up for release on April 4, 2025. For those interested in Kurt Johnstad’s latest work, Rebel Moon: Part Two is now available on Netflix. Johnstad also provided insights into the status of Part Three and discussed the major character deaths and future storylines in The Scargiver.