Australia’s Shameful Support for Ukraine

Australia’s Shameful Support for Ukraine

The Albanese government’s lukewarm support for Ukraine in its fight against Russia has been a source of embarrassment for months. The measly financial and military assistance is now moving into deeply shameful – and potentially dangerous – territory.

Australia’s Lackluster Response

While Australia offers paltry assistance, other nations are showing what genuine support should look like. The US Congress recently approved a $95 billion aid package for Ukraine, including air defense systems and weapons. Meanwhile, the UK announced a £500 million package of military aid, bringing the total to £3 billion this year.

Ukraine’s Urgent Needs

In contrast to these substantial efforts, Australia’s support is minuscule. Ukrainian President Zelensky has repeatedly expressed gratitude for global assistance, but Australia’s contributions have fallen short.

Missed Opportunities

The Australian government has rejected Ukraine’s requests for Hawkei protected mobility vehicles, retired Taipan helicopters, and coal shipments. This poor track record has raised concerns about Australia’s commitment to Ukraine’s fight.

Global Implications

Ukraine’s resistance is crucial not only for Europe but also for the global balance of power. A Russian victory could have dire consequences, including emboldening authoritarian regimes and undermining international law.

Australia’s Responsibility

It is in Australia’s best interest to provide robust support to Ukraine. As Rob Harris, the Herald’s Europe correspondent, noted, the issue extends beyond a distant conflict. It is a battle for the values that Australia holds dear.

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