Avoid These Boneheaded Mistakes When Building Your Next PC

As an experienced PC builder with hundreds of builds under my belt, I’ve encountered my fair share of boneheaded mistakes, like installing a GPU that didn’t fit or forgetting to update the BIOS. To help you avoid these costly errors and save time, I’ve compiled some of my biggest blunders and the lessons I’ve learned.

1. Playing Loose with Compatibility

Never assume that a component will fit just because it looks like it should. Double-check the dimensions of both the component and the mounting space to ensure compatibility.

2. Forcing the Issue

Avoid overtightening screws, especially on motherboards, as this can damage the board or even strip the screws. If you encounter resistance, take a step back and reassess your approach.

3. Forgetting BIOS Updates

With new processor generations and hardware releases, it’s crucial to update the BIOS to ensure optimal performance and support for your components. Especially when upgrading an older PC with a new processor.

4. The CPU Wiggle Test

Before closing the CPU socket, gently wiggle the installed CPU to confirm its proper alignment. This simple check can prevent bent pins and motherboard damage.

5. Putting on the Side Panel Before First Boot

While there’s no technical reason why the side panel affects booting, it’s a good practice to leave it off during the first boot in case of any issues that require immediate access to the components.

Remember, PC building is a process that requires attention to detail and patience. By following these tips and avoiding these common mistakes, you can save yourself time, money, and the frustration of troubleshooting preventable problems.

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