Baby Bandito is a gripping heist drama that revolves around Kevin Tapia, a skateboarder known as Baby Bandito. Driven by his desire to provide a life of luxury for his girlfriend Genesis, Kevin embarks on a dangerous mission to pull off the heist of the century. The show boasts an ensemble star cast that includes Francisca Armstrong, Nicholas Contreras, Lukas Vergara, Pablo Macaya, Carmen Zabala, and Marcelo Alonso.
Netflix subscribers can enjoy streaming Baby Bandito Season 1 through various devices. Netflix offers a tiered subscription model, with the Standard Plan providing access to all content except a few, but includes ads before or during content. The Standard Plan, on the other hand, is ad-free and allows users to download content on two supported devices, with the additional option to add one extra member who doesn’t reside in the same household. The Premium Plan offers the same benefits as the Standard Plan, but for four supported devices simultaneously, with content displayed in Ultra HD. Users can download content on up to six supported devices and add up to two extra members who don’t live in the same household. Netflix spatial audio is also supported.
With its thrilling plot, engaging characters, and talented cast, Baby Bandito Season 1 is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The show’s synopsis reads: ‘A writer who believes in writing simple yet creative stories which appeals every section of the audience.’