Based on his acclaimed one-man show, Richard Gadd’s “Baby Reindeer” is part of a rising trend of British TV autobiographies. While shows like “Fleabag” and “I May Destroy You” share similarities with “Baby Reindeer” in their intimate portrayal of personal experiences, Gadd’s story stands apart. After his flailing comedy career takes a turn, Gadd’s life spirals out of control when he encounters Martha, a deeply troubled woman who becomes his stalker.
Gadd’s vulnerability in recounting the events is palpable, as is his portrayal of the complex and destructive nature of Martha’s obsession. The show doesn’t shy away from the uncomfortable gray areas of consent, responsibility, and gender power dynamics.
However, the constant voice-over narration can detract from the impact of the show’s gripping narrative. Nonetheless, Gadd’s performance is raw and honest, Gunning’s portrayal of Martha is extraordinary, and the show’s exploration of the darker side of human relationships is both fascinating and thought-provoking.