Baltimore City Officials File Suit Against Ship Owners and Managers Responsible for Deadly Bridge Collapse

The legal battle surrounding the Baltimore bridge collapse took a significant turn as the city’s mayor and council filed a lawsuit against Grace Ocean Private Ltd. and Synergy Marine Pte Ltd., the owner and manager of the container ship involved in the disaster. The lawsuit, filed in Maryland, seeks to hold the companies fully liable for the deadly incident and argues that they were negligent in their operations.

The petition alleges that Grace Ocean Private Ltd., the owner of the vessel Dali, and Synergy Marine Pte Ltd., the ship’s manager, failed to ensure the vessel’s seaworthiness and adequately staff it. These failures, the lawsuit claims, directly contributed to the ship’s deviation from its course and the subsequent collision with the bridge.

The lawsuit outlines a series of specific allegations against the companies. It claims that they should have known the Dali was unfit for the voyage due to its age and condition. Additionally, the lawsuit alleges that the vessel was inadequately manned, with the crew lacking the necessary training and experience to operate the ship safely.

The city’s legal team is seeking to hold the companies accountable for the devastating consequences of their alleged negligence. The collapse of the bridge has severely disrupted transportation in Baltimore and caused significant economic losses. The lawsuit aims to ensure that the responsible parties are held financially liable for the damages caused by the disaster.

The court will now review the lawsuit and determine the extent of the companies’ liability. The outcome of the case could have far-reaching implications for maritime law and industry practices. The legal battle is expected to be lengthy and complex, with both sides likely to vigorously defend their positions.

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