Bartender’s Nightmare: House Guest Leaves Shocking Mess in Bathroom

In a now-viral TikTok video, bartender Lily Engler narrates an unforgettable experience with a former coworker. The woman, who remains unnamed, was known for her compulsive lying, including fabrications about her age and family connections to the band Blink-182. However, it was a blatant lie about the tipping system that caused the most friction between the two. Despite their differences, Lily maintained a facade of politeness toward the problematic colleague.

One evening, as the pair closed the bar, the coworker requested to see Lily’s new apartment. They spent an hour socializing, after which the woman asked to use the bathroom. However, upon her departure, Lily was horrified to discover the state of the bathroom. The toilet was partially clogged, and the toilet scrubber was covered in excrement.

Lily initially attributed the mess to a recent party with 17 guests, but her suspicion turned to disgust when she found a human waste-filled garbage can. The stench permeated the bathroom, and despite cleaning efforts and her absence from the apartment, the odor persisted.

Days later, Lily returned home to find the smell even more unbearable. She discovered that the garbage can still contained the fecal matter, which had now marinated in the heat. In a state of shock and panic, Lily called her friends and discarded contaminated items, including her toothbrush.

Despite the severity of the incident, Lily chose not to confront her coworker, continuing to work alongside her for several months before their eventual departure. This incident serves as a cautionary tale about the potential consequences of unchecked toxicity in the workplace.

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