Beat the Heat: Food Tips for a Healthy Summer

To beat the heat and stay healthy during the scorching summer months, it’s essential to pay attention to what we eat and drink. Certain foods can make us feel uncomfortable, bloated, and even dehydrated in the heat. Here are some dietary recommendations to help you stay cool and hydrated during hot weather:


Avoid spicy foods:

Spicy foods can increase body temperature and make you sweat even more. Try to keep your diet cool and light, with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Say no to aerated drinks:

Aerated drinks often contain caffeine and sugar, both of which can contribute to dehydration. The caffeine can also increase your body temperature, making you feel more hot in the summer. Instead, opt for hydrating beverages like water, coconut water, or fresh juices.

Limit fried and fatty foods:

Binging on fried and fatty foods can make you feel sluggish and uncomfortable in hot weather. Try to limit your intake of burgers, pizzas, samosas, and vadas.

Go easy on sugary foods and drinks:

Sugary foods and drinks can lead to dehydration and energy crashes. Limit your intake of milkshakes, frozen desserts, candy, and fruit juices with added sugar.

Reduce red meat consumption:

Red meat, mutton, pork, and beef can generate excess body heat. If you’re a meat-lover, try to cut down on your consumption during the summer months.

By following these recommendations, you can help your body stay cool and hydrated during the summer heat. Remember to listen to your body and take breaks from the sun if you’re feeling overheated.

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