The critically acclaimed documentary ‘Kiss the Future,’ produced by the renowned duo Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, has faced a setback in its journey to the prestigious Oscar Awards 2025. Despite receiving widespread acclaim and garnering numerous accolades this year, the film’s nomination was rejected by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences.
The rejection stemmed from the documentary’s failure to meet the Academy’s strict technical criteria regarding theatrical release. According to Deadline, all films vying for an Oscar nomination must have a broad release in a specific number of theaters within the United States. ‘Kiss the Future,’ while enjoying a two-week run across 139 theaters in major US markets, fell short of the specific requirements pertaining to the frequency of daily screenings.
The Academy’s rules dictate a minimum of three screenings per day in a theater, a condition that proved a stumbling block for ‘Kiss the Future.’ The producers, in a bid to address this discrepancy, pointed out in their appeal that the film was screened multiple times at various international film festivals and had a theatrical release through AMC. They emphasized that while some theaters indeed featured three screenings daily, the programmers at AMC overlooked this crucial aspect in New York and Los Angeles, the two key locations for fulfilling the Academy’s criteria.
The producers expressed their frustration with the Academy’s interpretation of their criteria, arguing that the film’s extensive release should have made it eligible for Oscar consideration. In their appeal, they highlighted the movie’s presence in 139 AMC theaters, including those in Los Angeles and New York, demonstrating its widespread reach.
However, the Academy remained resolute in its decision. In their response to the filmmakers’ appeal, they stated that the Documentary Branch Executive Committee thoroughly reviewed the appeal but ultimately upheld the initial decision. While acknowledging the disappointment this news might bring, the Academy stressed the necessity of a fair and consistent process for evaluating all entries.
The denial of ‘Kiss the Future’s’ Oscar nomination has sparked debate about the stringent requirements and their impact on films striving for recognition. The Academy’s insistence on these technical details, while aimed at maintaining fairness and consistency, has come under scrutiny for potentially hindering the recognition of worthy films that may not fully align with the established criteria.