Bernie Sanders Slams Novo Nordisk for ‘Corporate Greed’ Over Ozempic Pricing

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has once again taken aim at Novo Nordisk A/S, the pharmaceutical company behind the popular diabetes drug Ozempic, over its hefty price tag in the United States.

Sanders, known for his vocal advocacy for affordable healthcare, took to X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday to express his outrage at the price disparity between Ozempic in the U.S. and other countries. He pointed out that generic drug companies can sell Ozempic at a profit for less than $100, while Americans are shelling out nearly $1,000 a month for the same medication.

Sanders directly attributed this price discrepancy to “corporate greed,” calling on Novo Nordisk to lower the price of Ozempic. In a pointed question, he asked, “So why does your prescription cost more than a luxury handbag?”

Sanders’ post featured a video by Zain Rizvi, a Senior Health Counsel at the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. Rizvi highlighted the stark reality that while the rich and famous have easy access to drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy, the high cost makes them out of reach for most Americans.

The video delved into the manufacturing costs of these drugs, revealing that they can be produced for under $5. Rizvi stated that major pharmaceutical companies, including Novo Nordisk, have admitted to the HELP committee that they could sell Ozempic to Americans for less than $100 a month. However, Rizvi accused Novo Nordisk of engaging in anti-competitive practices by taking generic drug companies to court to prevent them from offering lower-cost alternatives.

He accused Novo Nordisk of prioritizing “patents above public health,” echoing a common criticism leveled at big pharma companies.

This is not the first time Sanders has targeted Novo Nordisk over Ozempic pricing. In March, reports surfaced that Sanders, who chairs the HELP committee, was considering holding hearings on the issue and seeking a meeting with Novo Nordisk’s CEO to discuss reducing the drug’s price.

Ozempic, a popular diabetes medication, has also gained popularity for its weight-loss properties, as it works by suppressing appetite. Sanders believes that by exposing the price disparities, he can pressure Novo Nordisk to lower prices for its weight-loss drugs, including Ozempic and Wegovy.

He has predicted that Ozempic will likely become one of the best-selling pharmaceutical products in history. The high cost of the drug has been a significant point of contention, with Sanders arguing that Americans should not be subjected to excessive pricing compared to people in other countries.

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