Beware the Hotel Kettle: Flight Attendant’s Shocking Revelation About Room Appliances

As summer travel heats up, it’s essential for vacationers to exercise caution when using the kettle in their hotel room. Flight attendant Barbara Bacilieri, who has extensive experience staying in hotels due to her jet-setting career, has issued a warning to holidaymakers to inspect the kettle thoroughly before boiling water for tea or coffee. Bacilieri, who boasts a significant TikTok following of nearly half a million, advises travelers to be vigilant about ensuring the cleanliness of the kettle every time they use it. According to Bacilieri, rumors persist that some hotel guests have been using the kettle for unsavory purposes, such as washing underwear, cooking sausages, or even cleaning menstrual cups. While these claims may seem far-fetched, Bacilieri urges travelers to consider the countless other things that guests may have done with the kettle that remain unknown. The rise of extreme nutritional plans, such as the all-meat diet, may have prompted some hotel guests to resort to using the kettle as an impromptu cooking appliance. Additionally, rumors have circulated for years that some visitors have used the kettle to boil-wash their underwear. These alarming reports highlight the potential for hygiene issues associated with hotel kettles. Dr. Heather Hendrickson from Massey University in Auckland has condemned the misuse of kettles as “super super super super gross”. She emphasizes the uncertainty surrounding the length of time that water infused with various substances remains in the kettle before being used again. Given the lack of clarity regarding the cleaning protocols for hotel kettles, Hendrickson advises travelers to avoid using them for purposes other than boiling water for beverages. Bacilieri also offers another piece of wisdom to ensure a clean and comfortable hotel stay: always lift the sheets before getting into bed. This simple step can help identify any bugs or items left behind by previous guests. Moreover, Bacilieri reminds travelers to be aware that some guests may be inclined to take items from the room as souvenirs, including batteries from the remote control, light bulbs, pillows, and even towels. By following these precautions, travelers can minimize the risk of encountering unpleasant surprises during their hotel stay and prioritize their health and safety.

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