The rise of Wordle reignited our passion for word-based brain teasers. While we’re still captivated by Wordle, The New York Times has given us another mind-bending game: Connections. Its concept is simple, yet the puzzles themselves are surprisingly tricky. There’s an undeniable appeal in unraveling these logic puzzles, even if a little help is needed. But if you’re a master of such games and are seeking more brain-boosting challenges, the world beyond the NYT website offers plenty of options.
Here are some fantastic alternatives to Connections that are worth your time:
Squareword is a fascinating blend of Wordle, Crosswords, and a touch of Connections. Your ultimate aim is to guess all the five-letter words on the grid before you exhaust your guesses. Each word you guess horizontally reveals the correct letters for the words in the rows below, similar to Wordle. However, you can also use the letters vertically to decipher the words horizontally, and vice versa. It sounds complex, but one game is all it takes for the concept to click, presenting a fierce yet addictive challenge.