Biden Administration’s Border Crisis: Exploiting Children for Political Gain

The Biden-Harris administration’s open border policies have created a humanitarian crisis, with a surge in unaccompanied migrant children crossing the border and ending up in potentially dangerous situations. A recent report by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Inspector General revealed that the administration cannot confirm the location, safety, or well-being of 323,000 unaccompanied migrant children released from government custody. This disturbing revelation sheds light on the systemic failures within the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), which is responsible for caring for these children and ensuring their safe placement with vetted sponsors.

My investigation into ORR has uncovered alarming evidence that Biden-Harris officials prioritize speed over safety when processing these vulnerable children. They have even released children to dangerous sponsors, including individuals with criminal records, ties to criminal organizations like MS-13, and even sexual predators. The administration has removed crucial safeguards, such as background checks and verification of sponsors’ identities, to expedite the release process, putting children at risk.

The administration’s disregard for the safety of these children is further evidenced by instances where ORR officials have failed to verify the validity of sponsors’ claimed addresses. In one case, a child was sent to an address that turned out to be an open field, highlighting the systemic flaws in the system. The administration’s prioritization of speed over safety has created a dangerous and exploitative environment for these children.

Since Biden took office, the United States has experienced the worst rates of illegal immigration in nearly 50 years. This surge is directly linked to the administration’s rollback of effective border policies implemented under President Trump, such as the ‘remain in Mexico’ policy and Title 42, which exempted unaccompanied children from deportation. These policies encouraged the influx of over 500,000 unaccompanied migrant children into the United States, with a record-high number crossing the southern border in the month after Title 42 was suspended for these children.

Many of these children are forced into dangerous working conditions and exploited for illegal labor. The tragic death of a 16-year-old boy, who was pulled into a meat-processing machine at a facility under investigation for child labor violations, exemplifies the dangers these children face. Others have been coerced into drug trafficking, sex trafficking, and other criminal activities to pay off the cartels that brought them to the United States. This exploitation occurs without any effective follow-up or oversight from the Biden-Harris administration.

It is utterly unacceptable that the administration continues to put these children at risk. The hundreds of thousands of children who are potentially missing due to the administration’s incompetence will continue to suffer exploitation, abuse, and even death at the hands of their captors. Despite the documented issues with ORR and the exploitation of children, the administration has taken no substantive action to reform their open border policies or protect these vulnerable children. In fact, the administration only started addressing the border crisis when it became a political liability for Biden. Their solution? To blame Republicans for the crisis they themselves created.

The administration’s blatant disregard for the safety of these children is shameful. Their actions demonstrate that they view this issue not as a serious problem requiring a solution, but as a messaging issue to be addressed only during election years. While the liberal media has been suspiciously silent on Vice President Kamala Harris’s role in the border crisis, the facts are clear: she is not merely an accomplice; she is the perpetrator. Biden entrusted her with leading the administration’s efforts to ‘stem the migration to our southern border,’ yet her policies have demonstrably failed, leaving vulnerable children at risk. The border crisis is Kamala Harris’s legacy, and no amount of media spin or rewriting of history can change that.

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