Biden Poised for Re-election, Predicts Nostradamus of US Elections

Political analyst Allan Lichtman, often referred to as the Nostradamus of US presidential elections, has issued a prediction that President Joe Biden is poised to win a second term in the upcoming November election. Lichtman’s prediction is based on his ’13 Keys to the White House’ model, which has accurately predicted the outcome of every presidential election since 1984. According to Lichtman, the model currently indicates that Biden is slightly behind his Republican rival, Donald Trump, by only two keys.

Lichtman explained that if six or more of the 13 keys go against the incumbent party, they are predicted to lose, while if fewer than six keys go against them, they are predicted to win. Given that Biden is currently only down by two keys, Lichtman believes that it would take a significant shift in the polls for him to lose the election.

The prediction comes as Biden and Trump both launch their high-octane poll campaigns, with national polls indicating that Biden is currently trailing his Republican rival by about 1.5 percentage points.

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