Biden’s ‘Dark Brandon’ Alter Ego Jokes About Rep. Lauren Boebert’s Unusual Career Moves

President Joe Biden joked that it is “classified” whether his “Dark Brandon” alter ego played a role in Rep. Lauren Boebert’s (R-Colo.) decision to leave her district after facing a tough reelection race.

“Is that a coincidence or Dark Brandon at work?” Jordy Meiselas of the progressive news outlet MeidasTouch Network asked Biden last week in Pittsburgh.

“That’s classified,” Biden said with a laugh.

Boebert, who was previously considered a safe Republican incumbent, ended up winning her race by only 0.16%. She then announced that she would be running for a different seat in a more conservative district, a move that some have found puzzling.

Biden’s joke suggests that he may have had something to do with Boebert’s decision, but the president did not provide any further details.

Boebert has been a vocal critic of Biden in the past, and she has also been involved in several controversies, including being ejected from a performance of the “Beetlejuice” musical due to inappropriate behavior.

It is unclear whether Biden’s joke was simply a way to poke fun at Boebert or if it was a more serious suggestion that he had played a role in her decision to leave her district.

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